Why We Love Pride Month

Here at Southend Psychiatry, we fully embrace all of the celebrations and awareness that takes place during Pride Month. This month is for everyone, from all walks of life no matter where they are in the world, to honor who they are.

Did You Know? The New York Pride Parade is one of the largest and most well-known parades with over two million people estimated to participate in any given year. New York City also held the very first pride march in 1970. Way to go NYC!

Why We Love to Celebrate

  • It Raises Awareness – This month provides us with a great opportunity to think about, support and discuss issues related to the gay rights movement. With gay marriage, adoption and transgender rights on the line, the LGBTQ+ community needs our support more than ever.
  • It Is Positive – Pride Month is all about loving and accepting everyone for who they are. It is an opportunity to celebrate how colorful we are as humans and meet other like-minded people. Attending a parade, festival or event in our community brings us together!
  • It Is For Everyone – No matter what our sexual preferences are, we all come together and celebrate our diversity during Pride Month. People of all ages, especially children can join in on the fun that is had! By teaching our youth about sexual diversity, we are passing on a spirit of acceptance and inclusion.

How We Love to Celebrate

  • Learn Something New – Now is a great time to learn about the people who helped bring this movement together. Our history is full of bravery and trailblazers! There are also informative movies and documentaries that shed light on Pride Month.
  • Join a Pride Parade – Everyone is welcome to join in on the fun of supporting gay rights and equality. You don’t have to identify as LGBTQ+ to attend. Click here to find out how NYC is celebrating Pride Month.
  • Represent the Rainbow – Grab a flag, t-shirt, scarf or cape designed with the rainbow in mind and represent with pride! Get creative on how you can show your support all month long.

We hope you choose to help support and promote the well-being of the LGBTQ+ community and preserve its rich history.

Southend Psychiatry is here as you navigate this journey. We can come alongside you to offer support and help. Contact Southend Psych today to inquire about appointment availability and get on your way to a better you.

Southend Psychiatry 

Schedule your appointment today with one of our SouthEnd Psychiatry clinicians. Book your appointment online or call 1-800-632-7969 to get started today.

LGBTQ Pride Month – Becoming the Best YOU!

Fittingly, and to no surprise, Southend Psychiatry is shouting out loud and proud for June LGBTQ Pride month! At this practice, we move with the heartbeat of Inclusion and Equality in everything we do and nothing is more core to our beliefs, so times such as this are a joy to celebrate and bring a real and healthy dialogue, at large. 


If any of us look up the definition of the word “pride” no doubt we could come back with any number of meanings and variations. For purposes of this article, we do not mean it to refer to a sense of arrogance or over-inflated self worth. This definition below fits perfectly with what we want to share today:

  • pride – a becoming or dignified sense of what is due to oneself or one’s position or character; self-respect; self-esteem.

You know exactly what Pride Month means to you and everyone has their own connection and enjoys it their own way. One client recalls Pride Month feeling uncomfortable before she was out; she didn’t know what to do with the conflict, the tension inside. But now, it’s a chance to celebrate and be open with issues which are often stigmatized, especially in this current social/political environment. In her own words, “Let’s make it fun! And make everything sparkl-ey! This isn’t a fight for justice or equality here or anything super heavy. It’s lighter, it’s fun.” Maybe you resonate with something in there too. 


While great gains have been made in awareness and societal acceptance for the LGBTQ community, it’s no secret there is a current movement in the U.S. attacking LGBTQ rights in legislation, education, and athletics. It is scary and takes a massive toll on the mental and emotional well-being of those being targeted. Or perhaps you’re still deconstructing a big bag of religious issues/trauma from earlier years which still haunt your sense of self. The fact is, the world is a tumultuous and sometimes frightening place, and for this reason we want to promote with all our Southend heart and soul – SELF CARE!! 


To get right to the point we simply want you to take care of your body and your mind in whatever beautiful ways are best for you. This is supposed to be intentional on your part but certainly not meant to be a chore. The result will be refreshing and recharging, allowing you to help love yourself all the way! Think about it this way… picture stress as water on a wet dog. That dog needs to shake it out, vigorously, from head to tail, to feel right again. So do we! While actually shaking like a wet dog may not be your thing, we have a few other suggestions to help get you started. 

  • Sleep : can we just say nothing good happens without sleep?! Our bodies level out physiologically during sleep and it’s a huge part of keeping a healthy mind + body.
  • Seek Joy : Light will chase away darkness so find the things which bring joy to your heart. Music. Nature. Old photos. Disney movies…! Give yourself time and space to find joy!
  • Seek Guidance : Don’t do it alone! Community is HUGE for LGBTQ individuals and we encourage you to find support, somewhere. Perhaps its spiritual support, perhaps it’s therapy, perhaps it’s mimosas with friends on Sunday morning. 
  • Creativity : It’s well known in psychology arenas the benefits creative outlets have on mental health. So go get colorful and paint something, get noisy with a new instrument, or build the coffee table you’ve been putting off for six months.
  • And most importantly be the best YOU possible!! Keep a sight on who you truly are, which is a bright, beautiful, shining star of a person and let that expression show itself. 

We are hopeful this article helps you be a balanced, healthy you in some pretty challenging times. And if June Pride month is where you begin your Self Care plan then even better! 

Southend Psychiatry 

Schedule your appointment today with one of our SouthEnd Psychiatry clinicians. Book your appointment online or call 1-800-632-7969 to get started today.

On a side note, there are now data and trends we can see which indicate higher numbers of individuals who came out during the recent lockdowns. Much of this is attributed to simply a huge increase in time we have spent isolated, and thus more time for self-reflection and a chance for many to really have the time and space to identify who they really are. Interestingly but to no surprise, social media was also significant in this trend as the isolation and alone time allowed people to do more exploring on platforms versus the physical world. Of course, the internet has long been the home of LGBTQ exploration but the current trends and impacts are interesting. This article provides some great expert commentary and data – https://mashable.com/article/covid-coming-out-queer-lgbtq-pandemic.

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