3 Ways Psychiatry Services Help College Students

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College is a huge time of adjustment and stress for young adults. Not only is this the first time many of them have ever been away from home, but they’re also facing new challenges without the assistance of their parents or guardians. According to The Zebra, a website dedicated to helping people find insurance policies that fit their needs, more than 25% of college students are diagnosed with a mental illness. Let’s take a look at some of the ways that psychiatry services can benefit college students.

1. Provides a Place to Safely Express Feelings

One of the best benefits of psychiatry or therapy is that they provide a safe place for people to express their feelings. Mental health challenges often stem from a feeling that you can’t express feelings freely or that you’ll be judged if you do. When feelings and emotions can’t be expressed the way they should, it can lead to a lot of other issues. The result is that young people will bottle up those emotions. If you feel that you need an outlet like this, you should make a psychiatrist appointment soon.

2. Teaches Coping Strategies and Tools

The college years produce a world of new obstacles and challenges that most young people aren’t prepared to cope with. Without the right tools and strategies in their possession, young people often turn to maladaptive behaviors in order to cope and survive. When you work with a therapist or a psychiatrist, you’ll get the advantage of learning the right healthy techniques for dealing with the new challenges in your life.

3. Helps in Navigating This New Life

College can be exciting and overwhelming at the same time. Students are thrust into this situation rather abruptly, and that can be overwhelming for some. In addition to simply being away from home, you might find that you’re now dealing with more complicated relationships with friends and romantic partners. Your relationship with your parents may be changing as well as they get older and find themselves in a new stage of life. When you make a psychiatrist appointment, you’ll find a professional who can help you navigate this new terrain with confidence.

These are just a few reasons why you might need to see a therapist. If you’re looking to make an appointment for mental health services, please contact SouthEnd Psychiatry today. We are here to help you through the many transitions and changes that life brings your way.

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